Sigh, i feel so stressful now. Chem tmr. cannot sleep. chem is my strongest science subject but i d not know why i am so stressful now. Read emin's blog, and there's a strong feel in myself which poped out of no where all of a sudden. The feel is so abstract, so uh it's just undescribable. A very strong feeling when u see ur friends leaving you and both of us might not meet each other anymore. i have promised emin that i'll get a copy of May Zhee's Vanitee Bee when i am in kl. i will send it to him by airmail later on. Ok emin, i will try my best to get u the book. the departure hall has never been sumthing really good. The word departure has seperate friends and family although most of them are heading to a better life. But the strong bond between friends and family is so strong that it couldn't be broken by just heating up with a bunsen burner. Farewell. A memorable occasion that must be held to appreciate someone. Emin, i'll talk to thengyee and those who hung around at the back with us. About ur farewell. WE can go for a dinner or maybe lunch at gurney or somewhere. It's gonna be a special day. 离别是一个很动人,很抽象的一个名词。