Happy Sweet 17, Emin!
Oh well, yesterday night was the farewell and Birthday dinner for Emin (my gay partner) . Everything was wonderful. I reached McD around 7pm. Nobody, i see nobody. A few minutes later, Yeochio poped out of no where. And after that, more and more people appeared. Emin wasn't there, yet. Met nick, pheng sheng and weiyi there too. BC, mel and hong jie came around 7.15. ANd EMIN wasn't there YET. So we chatted while waiting for BB boy. 15 minutes passed, EMIN called, saying that he was at SUNRISE's McD.. Omg, the wrong McD.. Emin arrived around 7.40pm.. Ish, waited for 40 minutes, but i excused him as he's the BB boy. He has the right to be late.
Walked to FLAME to have steamboat. Wow, the atmosphere was really.. sumthing.. the walls were painted in red and the tables and chairs are speacial. We had two tables. EMIN made the orders. OMG, the food wasnt enough for all of us.. So little.. I asked for mee. And i gave the spanish green noodle a try. Wow it's green in colour.. Bright green. quite nice actually. EMIN ordered a plate of fried rice and mee after that. Divided into 13 bowls, the mee and rice ended up in small portions. Really small portions. Ok we ate and talked all the time. Craps. lol. looks like melvin has a crush on the waitress there. Sigh, he was so excited when i asked her to take pictures for us. Melvin ki hiao. we took turns to take picture with emin, one last pic with emin. had a group photo after that.
Others went home while me, emin, melvin, BC, soon khee, yeochio and hong jie went to starbucks to have some coffee. I had latte and uh.. i don't know what they drank. lol. Sat there for nearly two hours. Josephine finished her work at Nando's and came over to say hi to us, OMG she was shy to join us. lol. so she went home. We talked about the past, the current and the future. So many things. studies, girls, computers, dota, history and even MONA LISA. total madness. Hahahahaha, the night was really wonderful and happy. Emin was really happy i think. He has tried so many new things on his 17th birthday. Crossing the road without his parents and had coffee at starbucks. WooHoo. Too much things to talk about.Omg, mel saw the governor having his supper at McD with his daughter. And his mercedes was COOL. SHINY black huge mercedes. Took a pic with the car. Hahahahaha. Hong jie dropped me home after that and i am here now, blogging.
Mel is leaving. BC is leaving. And Emin is leaving. everybody is leaving. Sigh, never thought about the heavy feel yesterday night. I just enjoyed myself as much as possible. hahaha, really had a fun night. ok, i WIll BUY u a present lar emin. no worries. And as a gay partner of mine (swt) pls stop saying that i'm bosim. i will buy u 1. i wish emin has a pleasant journey to canada. And Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear friend a.k.a gay partner, emin.
Here are some pictures.
Posted by Zi Sheng at Thursday, December 07, 2006
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