Finished Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfares today. aww, the game was good. as good as crysis. hahaha. but as i said, it has a very sad ending. 3 of the characters all K.I.A . hahahaha. Killed in action. how sad. many people were killed. and after playing this game, now, i hate dogs, i kept on got killed by dogs' bitings. i just dont know the way to CEKIK them to death. haha. good game, good graphics, good sniping method. try it out.

Finished all my games, i have got nothing to do now. haihs.

Went to finish up my Visa today. Got my Certificate of Enrollment and some under-18 guardian documents. Went for a medical checkup as well. well, that's my day, nothing much.

Oh, and i saw a Lamborghini Gallardo in Pulau Tikus today. so nice.