Happy Chinese New Year

As usual, i went back to my mum's kampung which is in Kedah. My grandpa's bungalow by the sea. lol. everything was fun, as every single one of us in my family get to gather.

Che Yit ( First Day)
Got up unusually early in the morning, went to the temple and lighted incense for my grandfather and grandmother. went back home after that, had breakfast and off we go!

Facial Mask?
lol my lovely but evil cousin

It's 6.30am

We had a rare sight of the sun rise, it was a spectacular sight.


G said...

You bully ginas arr.

Your [evil cousin] is cute lol.

Your eyes do tell it is 6.30am >.<

Sun rises! How nice!

Zi Sheng said...

nice la. wahhaha