SPM ended yesterday. Went out for karaoke with my sis and cousin sis. The 3 of us. jing yin left penang today.. Pi HK main for 6 days.. Ish. SO nice.. left after SPM. Penang is getting more and more boring... pfft.. Going down to KL on the 8th. which is friday. Oh well, HOPEfully, i can have fun at kl.. I WANNA HAVE FUN.. And.. promised emin the other day i'll get vaniteebee for him hopefully i can find one. And mail to him. We've promised each other that we're going to send each other birthday presents on our birthday. (note : 31st of august) MWAHAHA.. YEARly. although it's gonna make us broke badly.. but we've reached an agreement "we'll do it.. and whoever breaks the promise will get his ass burn in hell"

Oh this is so cool.. Maple leaf with poems on it.. Ish. I AM MATERIALISTIC ok.. lol frankly, i've never received a leaf as a present b4 and i will appreciate the leaf. MAKE sure u frame it up b4 sending it to me.. Mwahaha.. And one thing. the farewell dinner for emin is on.. am still thinking wether i should buy a cake for him or not.. a piece of cheese cake from secret recipe will do i guess. Hmm.

Exams were over. But i dont get the feel i got when i was in f3. i just do not know why. The feeling of hapiness isn't there. There's just boredom. boredom. I AM BORED! Nothing much to do. Eat, sleep, play, go out tat's all i can do. Read? nope. No more reading for me. the decolonize process is going on. . .

i wanna drive, too bad i am still too young for all those driving stuffs.. sigh. One more year.. 1 more year. Can't wait to drive!