Whenever it comes to this topic, as thengyee said, it's really hard to start off. Friends are leaving. One by one, more and more are leaving. But we can do nothing to stop a plane from departuring or stop them from getting into the plane.. We've to feel happy for them.. *thinking* well, it's great to meet up with friends after a long long time. As thengyee said, he we will be wondering what will happen to our friends or friend. Lifestyle, hairstyle, girlfriends, jobs, studies And even families by then. When i was young, wasn't really sure of the word alumni. And now i'm pretty sure of that. Tat's how we friends are able to contact each other after years.. . . Through an association or sumthing email or whatever.

Oh i guess, the revolutionary of friendship isn't a thing that happens very often. Or i should say, it never happens. Even we friends are seperated by oceans and are categorized in continents, We are stilll friends. Friends that are always there for you, care for you, feel happy for you and share the sadness he we feel. We might be strangers after sperating for years, but as i said earlier on, there will always be a bond, a strong or weak one, it will just never break. We might not know each other when we meet up in streets or important ocassions. That's the side effect which time gives. It changes everything, but never never the friendship between friends.

Friends who were once enemies or i should say NOT CLOSE to each other will definately change after seperating. There wouldn't be any distance between us, the feeling of hate, jealousy will not be there anymore. Or we will face worse situations, in this realistic world, anything can happen. Even Friends can turn into enemies. But i guess, all the friends i have won't Do that, i never doubt about my friends, oh well, maybe some of them (those not so close ones)

Speak of meeting up after years, i found it very meaningful. A brilliant idea by thengyee, meeting up with emin 17 years later. oh mi god, 17 YEARS later that's 17/100 of a century's time. Sigh, looking forward to meet up after years.

Friends are something i hold dear to my heart..

A real friend seeks to help u when u're in trouble.

A real friend has ur contacts and birthdates kept somewhere.

A true friend knows that after an arguement, we're still friends.

A true friend is always there when u need a shoulder to cry on (for girls maybe) *nick? wy says*

Friends that point at ur ass and laugh when u fall is a friend who boost ur self-esteem, they make u work harder.

Alright, friends will always be in my heart.

I've lived in this place and I know all the faces

Each one is different but they're always the same

They mean me no harm but it's time that I face it

They'll never allow me to change

But I never dreamed home would end up where I don't belong

I'm movin' on